The NCIG 2019 Sustainability Report has been released, which highlights a number of key business achievements from the 12 months to June 2019.
Business performance for the period has been measured across social, economic and environmental areas, and aims to demonstrate the value that NCIG provides to the Hunter Valley Coal Chain, including its shareholders, customers and other key stakeholders.
Some key achievements highlighted in the report include:
$49.3 million directly invested in the Hunter Region through engagement with 184 local businesses
The achievement of 500 days lost time injury-free
$246,000 invested in local community groups
Receiving the 2018 NSW Keep Australia Beautiful Coastal & Waterways Protection Award for the NCIG Migratory Shorebird Compensatory Habitat
$1.2 million spent on environmental improvements and biodiversity offsets
Diversion of 250,000 pieces of plastic from landfill, by participating in the community-based Plastic Police soft plastic recycling program
Over $100,000 raised for the John Hunter Children’s Hospital through the NCIG Charity Ball
We have also aligned the 2019 report with the Global Reporting Initiative, a best-practice standard for sustainability reporting, while taking a look at how our activities relate to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
A full copy of the 2019 Sustainability Report is available to be viewed or downloaded here.