NCIG is committed to managing its operations to ensure the lowest possible impact on our local surrounding environment.
Environmental Management System
We are proud to have an Environmental Management System that is accredited to ISO 14001:2015.
Environmental Risk Management
Our key environmental risks are reviewed as part of our annual Broad Brush Risk Assessments (BBRAs) and in other relevant risk assessment processes. There are also several legislative and regulatory policies that apply to the management of some issues, the majority of which are administered by state government departments, such as the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA). In 2021, NCIG commenced broadening its climate change-related risk management approach and is committed to assessing its operations in accordance with the guidelines from the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Environmental Management Plans
Our Environmental Management Plans describe how our operations could potentially impact on the natural environment and our commitment to avoiding, minimising and managing the risks. They outline the systems that identify and assess the different risks including statutory and approval requirements, the controls and procedures that manage the risks, and the measures we use to review the system and their effectiveness.
Management Approach
Our Management Approach for each focus area includes operational context and describes the specific systems and processes we have in place, and the senior leadership and Board oversight responsibilities. Where relevant, it also explains how we train and communicate with our people about the focus area.
Key environmental focus areas include energy & emissions, noise, air quality, waste, water and biodiversity.