Operational Net Zero

Net Zero Operational Emissions by 2030

Our role in the transition to a lower carbon world.

NCIG recognises the critical challenge the world faces to respond effectively to the risks of climate change, and the importance of a transition over time to a lower carbon-intensive economy. We recognise that many countries, including Australia, have committed to emission reduction targets that align with the Paris Agreement, as evidenced in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). As an Australian business, we are committed to operating as sustainably as possible, and to actively working to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions within our direct control.

Concurrently, we also acknowledge that the exact pace of global decarbonisation efforts is uncertain and that the pathway to net zero will take time. We also believe that high quality coal will remain part of the global energy mix for some time, as a mixture of cleaner forms of energy and innovative technologies, such as carbon capture and storage, will be imperative to meeting net zero commitments. The high quality coal NCIG handles on behalf of our customers will play an important role in this transition, particularly for Asian economies, to help to ensure energy continuity, affordability and reliability to enable their social development ambitions to be met during this period. We base our planning on a range of plausible and internationally recognised climate-related risk scenarios to periodically assess future demand for thermal coal and our customers’ subsequent demand for our services.

Emissions Reduction Strategy

We are committed to achieving Net Zero operational emissions by 2030. NCIG’s core focus is on reducing operational emissions that fall under scopes 1 and 2 since these are within our direct control.

We acknowledge the growing societal focus on the management and disclosure of scope 3 emissions sources. Given the nature of NCIG’s business as a logistics service provider, our scope 3 emissions are not associated with the actual products we transport, store or load on behalf of our customers. As such, we consider emissions related to the end use of coal are beyond the boundaries of our scope 3 emissions since the coal is not owned nor sold by NCIG. We are working to fully understand NCIG’s scope 3 emissions footprint and commit to reducing associated emissions where feasible, affordable and within our control.

More broadly, NCIG recognises the steps that are taken across the coal value chain to increase efficiency and reduce emissions associated with the use of coal. While NCIG’s ability to influence is limited, we look forward to leveraging our position within the industry to continue to be an active voice and play our part in improving the sustainability of the wider coal value chain.