Our culture is inclusive and promotes equality and diversity, supporting all our people to reach their full potential
We are committed to maintaining an inclusive culture and to driving diversity in our workplace. We want all our people to feel valued and respected, and to have equal access to opportunities. We want to empower them to contribute their diverse skills and perspectives, and we value the benefit this brings to our culture and business performance.
We recognise the importance of cultural background and ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, language and education. We also recognise that each member of our workforce has a unique blend of characteristics, knowledge, skills, perspectives and life experiences. We respect and value their differences, and believe that this promotes equality, diversity and inclusion, and that it supports all employees reach their full potential. Our inclusive culture also facilitates customer connections and stimulates the creation of opportunities and innovation.
Our Equity and Diversity Policy sets out our formal commitment to a workplace culture that builds respect, fosters inclusiveness, promotes diversity and embraces the unique skills and qualities of all our employees.
Our goals and commitments for diversity and inclusion are outlined in our Diversity and Inclusion Management Approach.
Three Female Tradies Welcomed

Until 2021, NCIG had no female technicians, despite being committed to encouraging and supporting female representation in non-traditional roles. When the need to recruit for new technicians arose in June 2020, NCIG took the opportunity to increase gender diversity in our workforce. NCIG applied for an exemption to the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW to conduct targeted female recruitment.
The exemption also provides the flexibility to encourage female applicants for future vacancies and will provide women with an opportunity to develop technical skills, progress through the business into leadership roles and build industry experience and connections. The exemption was granted in late September and we immediately began a recruitment campaign via social media, local newspapers, and radio. The level of interest from highly qualified and experienced tradeswomen across Newcastle and the Hunter was strong, and we were able to invite 15 female applicants to take part in a full day assessment process. The candidates participated in psychometric testing, a group activity, a safety activity and a panel interview, which included strong involvement from NCIG employees who helped assess their suitability and cultural fit of candidates. We were delighted to welcome three amazing female technicians to our operation in November 2020.
Learn more about our new recruits, ‘Recruitment Drive Welcomes New Female Tradies’.