The management of our material environmental risks is a key consideration for NCIG and we commit significant resources to ensure that we continue to meet the expectations of our stakeholders. Our management of key environmental risks aims to reduce the potential for any associated operational interruption, impact to the environment, reputation impact or financial loss to the business. In addition to our regulatory reporting requirements, highly effective systems, procedures and initiatives form the foundation of NCIG’s environmental and regulatory compliance performance.
An overview of our focus areas, commitments, goals and FY27 targets for Plant & Environment is provided below.
Focus issues
- Proactively manage our risks through robust systems, processes and scenario planning
- Achieve Net Zero operational emissions by 2030
- Optimise our air, water and waste management
- Nurture positive outcomes for local biodiversity through our projects and partnerships
- Reduce our total operational emissions (Scope 1 and 2) in accordance with our Net Zero Transition Plan
- Minimise reliance on drinking water, in particular during times of high water stress (drought)
- Achieve minimum possible waste footprint by proactively managing reduction, reuse and recycling where possible
- Increase habitat value of existing biodiversity lands through active management and partnerships
We ensure the resilience of our operations while minimising our impacts on the environment.