
Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group is committed to sustainable management of the environment through our values and working with our stakeholders.
The managing of potential impacts on the environment is an important part of everything we do. We manage our operations to limit impacts to local air quality, water resources, noise amenity, and the Hunter River estuary, which is recognised internationally for its unique ecology.

'We ensure the resilience of our operations while minimising our impacts on the environment.'

We believe in being upfront and honest in everything we do, and the way in which we manage the environment is no different. We understand that information on our environmental controls and performance are important to the community.

Our Environmental Assessment and Environmental Management Plans are available from this website for anyone to view. We also publish up to date monitoring data so that the community can understand the health of our local environment.

You can find more information and current and historical reports on our Environmental performance on various pages within the Policies and Reports section.