Net Zero Transition Plan

Net Zero Transition Plan

NCIG’s Net Zero Transition Plan describes how we intend to deliver on our goal of achieving Net Zero operational emissions by 2030. It provides detail about our where our emissions come from, and our strategy for reducing emissions that are within our direct control.

Assumptions, challenges and uncertainties

The metrics we use to track our progress are aligned to the GHG Protocol and the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007. We acknowledge that there are further assumptions, uncertainties and implementation challenges that could impact on the successful delivery of our Transition Plan, primarily our reliance on:

  • our customers’ future strategies
  • best estimates for forecasting future expenditures
  • the availability of low-carbon technology that are suitable for our heavy industrial site
  • an executed Power Purchase Agreement that may not proceed to generation status, for example due to statutory approval, financial close and/or technical issues.

We will review our Net Zero Action Plan, including planned operational and tactical activities and targets annually in line with our risk assessment, operational business and budget planning.