Health & Wellbeing

We protect and promote the health and wellbeing of our people, with a particular focus on emotional and mental health, and physical fitness

We believe that the health and wellbeing of our people is critical to maintaining our caring culture and to our continued business success. We offer generous conditions to all employees and benefits that include a fully-funded health program with gym membership, salary continuance insurance, additional weeks annual leave, and discounts to several local businesses and services. Our highly successful health and wellbeing program, Bounce, includes an optional health assessment program comprising a pre-screen questionnaire, a health screening, a medical screening and an audiometry assessment.

We also support our team’s mental health and promote positive attitudes and behaviours towards mental health at work. Each year our employees and contractors participate in an annual initiative to improve awareness around mental health. We also raise funds for local charities that provide crisis support and suicide prevention services. 

Our Move For Your Mind program focuses on mindfulness, physical movement and breathing practice to assist our employees in managing their stress levels. Learn more about the program below.

We’ve outlined our commitments and goals to health and wellbeing in our Management Approach to Health and Wellbeing.

Bounce Health & Wellbeing program

For more than 10 years the NCIG workforce has been participating in Bounce, a leading workplace health and wellbeing program. Developed by NCIG personnel, Bounce provides a clear health strategy and engages our people with knowledge and resources that support them to make healthy lifestyle choices.

Guided by the outcomes of an organisational health assessment conducted every two years, various initiatives such as weight loss, movement and mental health programs are offered to support the health outcomes of our employees and contractors, with voluntary workforce participation of close to 100% is regularly achieved. Bounce helps our people optimise their physical and mental health and provides an opportunity for us to optimise a healthy and safe workplace.