Our Shareholders

Our export terminal is owned and operated by Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group Pty Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NCIG Holdings Pty Ltd.

NCIG Holdings is a privately held corporation, owned by shareholders, who are also our major customers.

All shareholders are affiliates of shippers that have long term capacity contracts for the majority of our terminal’s capacity.

The ultimate parents of NCIG’s shareholders are BHP, Yancoal Australia, Whitehaven Coal, Peabody Energy Corporation, and Banpu Public Company Limited.

As at 30 June 2024

Corporate Structure

A summary of the corporate structure of the NCIG group and its key contractual arrangements are depicted in the following diagram.

Debt funding

NCIG debt funding sources are summarised below:

As at 30 June 2024

NCIG successfully completed its most recent US$500m senior debt refinancing in January 2023 in bank debt & USPP markets. Our next debt maturity is a USD500m US144A / RegS bond due in September 2027.

Register for Updates

Investors are invited to register to obtain access to our investor portal containing copies of NCIG’s latest financial statements and debt investor updates.
